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Communicating the Move to CBE to Parents

Author: Jody Waltman
Video Transcript

Notes on "Communicating the Move to CBE to Parents"

(00:00 - 00:27) Introduction

(00:28 - 00:44) What is CBE?

(00:45 - 01:16) Why Are We Using CBE?

(01:17 - 01:52) What Changes Will You See?

(01:53 - 02:48) How Will Our LMS Be Used?

(02:49 - 03:14) Review

(03:15 - 03:51) Stop and Reflect


Additional Resources

Assessment & Reporting: Frequently Asked Questions

The Calgary Board of Education provides a site dedicated to the explanation of grading and assessment and expected outcomes. This site has useful language for communicating with parents.

Characteristics of a CBE System

This is a helpful graphic from P21 that outlines the characteristics of CBE. This is a useful tool when designing parent communication strategies.