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Compare and Contrast Acceptable Use and Responsible Use

Author: Gino Sangiuliano

Source: Cyberbullying, Pixabay,; Memory Stick, Pixabay,; Connector, Pixabay,; Keyboard, Pixabay,; Gavel, Clker,; Preschool, Morguefile,; Globe, Clker,; Stick Figure, Pixabay,

Video Transcript

Notes on "Compare and Contrast Acceptable Use and Responsible Use"

(00:00-00:14) Introduction

(00:15-00:55) Preschool Usage Policy

(00:56-01:09) Two Policies

(01:10-01:59) Acceptable Use Policy

(02:00-03:21) Responsible Use Policy

(03:22-03:36) Cyberbullying

(03:37-04:12) Major Differences

(04:13-04:23) Regulations

(04:24-05:08) Summary/Food for Thought

Additional Resources

COsN Handbook: Rethinking Acceptable Use Policies to Enable Digital Learning

This is a fantastic resource from COSN that explains the difference between acceptable use and responsible use: Rethinking acceptable use policies to enable digital learning. This handbook demonstrates why so many districts are moving away from acceptable use policies toward responsible use policies. A responsible use policy opens up more filters, treats technology use as a privilege and places responsibility on teachers and students. This is critical in a BYOD environment where you are unable to fully control student devices or in a system that allows personal mobile devices.