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Comparing and Contrasting Different Genres

Author: Lauren Lintelman

Historical Fiction Characteristics


What elements do we compare and contrast?


Characteristics of Historical Fiction doc

Storm Warriors



  • Where and when does this story take place?




  • What is important about the setting of this story?




  • What character traits of Nathan help you know that he lived in the past?




  • How did Nathan change throughout the story?



  • What is the main problem in this story? How is the problem resolved?



  • How is the setting important to what happens?



  • What do you learn about the story’s setting from the illustrations?



  • What is the author’s message (theme) in this story?



  • What issues were important to the people in the story? How do these issues compare with what is important to many people today?


Comparing and Contrasting

Comparing and Contrasting Different Genres

Storm Warriors and Pea Island's Forgotten Heroes


How are the events that occurred on Pea Island in the two stories similar?




What character traits about the crewman are mentioned in both stories?




Compare the theme of the two stories.






What are the major differences between the two stories?