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Competency Based Instruction in Action

Author: Kathleen Johnson

Source: Digital Access Key Image; Morgue File;

Video Transcript

Notes on "Competency Based Instruction in Action"

(00:00-00:18) Intro

(00:19-00:27) Objectives

(00:28-02:02) Green Hills Middle School

(02:03-03:33) Fairview High School

(03:34-05:57) Northwest Elementary School

(05:58-06:51) Clearwater Elementary School

(06:52-07:45) Review & Reflection

Additional Resources

Langevin Amendment Supports Competency-Based Education
This is a YouTube video of Representative Jim Langevin from RI supporting a bill for Competency Based Education. He explains the importance of CBE in ensuring students are future-ready.

Competency-Based Learning in K-12 Schools

This descriptive post on the Next Gen Learning Blog explains what CBE looks like in practice in a high school classroom.