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Composite Functions and Their Domains

Author: Shirley Beil

The following video will be available with closed captioning at:

If f(x) = x^2 and g(x) = √(x-5), Find the Compositions in Each Direction and Their Domains

At the end of the video I correctly wrote the domain of g o f as
x less than or equal to -sqrt 5 or x greater than or equal to sqrt 5
However I read this incorrectly as
x GREATER than or equal to -sqrt 5 or x greater than or equal to sqrt 5

The following video will be available with closed captioning at:

If f(x) = x^2 and g(x) = √(x-5), Find f o f and g o g and Their Domains

At the very end of this video I say "x greater than or equal to 0" twice when what I should have said was "x greater than or equal to 30". What was written was correct!