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Conditional Probability with Venn Diagrams

Author: Sophia

what's covered
This tutorial will continue the discussion on the topic of conditional probability.

Table of Contents

1. Conditional Probability with Venn Diagrams

A Venn diagram is a useful tool to visualize conditional probability.


What is the probability of getting an even on a roulette wheel? Like the example above, this question is not a conditional probability yet because the question is simply about the probability that the number is even. To find the answer, count up all of the even sectors.
Roulette Wheel

P left parenthesis E v e n right parenthesis equals 18 over 38

Notice that zero and double zero don't count as even. The evens on the roulette wheel are in two categories: even numbers that are in black and even numbers that are in red. 18 of the 38 numbers on the roulette wheel are even.

However, what if we want to know the probability that the sector is even, given that the sector is also black?

This is a conditional probability statement. We can create a Venn diagram to show the relationship between these two characteristics of even and black. Ignore any of the sectors that are neither black nor even, and the ones that are only even without being black. Some of the black numbers are also even.
Venn Diagram Showing Even and Black Outcomes
Of the 18 numbers that are black on the roulette wheel, ten selections are both even and black. So the probability is 10 even black sectors out of 18 total black sectors.

We could also use the conditional probability formula which states we need to find the probability of a sector being both even and black, which is 10 out of 38, and divide by the probability of a sector being black, which is 18 out of 38.
P left parenthesis E space vertical line space B right parenthesis space equals space fraction numerator P left parenthesis B o t h space E v e n space a n d space B l a c k right parenthesis over denominator P left parenthesis B l a c k right parenthesis end fraction equals fraction numerator begin display style 10 over 38 end style over denominator begin display style 18 over 38 end style end fraction equals 10 over 18

In the example above, we show all the individuals members of each group, but usually Venn diagrams summarize this by only indicating the total number of individuals in that group, as in the example below.

try it
 Venn diagram with circles for chocolate and vanilla. There are 28 who like vanilla only, 16 that like chocolate only, 22 that like both, and 34 that like neither.
The Venn diagram represents the protein powder flavor preferences of 100 bodybuilders.
What is the probability a bodybuilder likes chocolate protein powder, given we know they like vanilla?
Apply the conditional probability formula. P left parenthesis C h o c o l a t e vertical line V a n i l l a right parenthesis space equals space fraction numerator P left parenthesis V a n i l l a space a n d space C h o c o l a t e right parenthesis over denominator P left parenthesis V a n i l l a right parenthesis end fraction
P left parenthesis C h o c o l a t e vertical line V a n i l l a right parenthesis space equals space fraction numerator 0.22 over denominator 0.50 end fraction space equals space 0.44 space o r space 44 percent sign space
To calculate P(vanilla), be sure to count both the 28 who like vanilla only and the 22 who like both flavors
(28/100 + 22/100 = 0.50)

Conditional probability is the probability of some second event occurring, given that some first event has already occurred. It's calculated by dividing the joint probability of the two events by the probability of the existing event (the one that's already happening). This formula works for all events. This isn't a special formula that works only for independent events or only for mutually exclusive events.


Terms to Know
Conditional Probability

The probability that one event occurs, given that another event has already occurred.

Formulas to Know
Conditional Probability

P left parenthesis B vertical line A right parenthesis space equals space fraction numerator P left parenthesis A space a n d space B right parenthesis over denominator P left parenthesis A right parenthesis end fraction