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Confidence Intervals

Author: Jonathan Osters

Source: Graphs created by Jonathan Osters

Video Transcript




Terms to Know
Confidence Interval

An interval that contains likely values for a parameter. We base our confidence interval on our point estimate, and the width of the interval is affected by confidence level and sample size.

Formulas to Know
Confidence Interval

C I equals P o i n t space E s t i m a t e plus-or-minus M a r g i n space o f space E r r o r

Confidence Interval of Means

C I space equals space x with bar on top space plus-or-minus space z asterisk times space bevelled fraction numerator sigma over denominator square root of n end fraction

Confidence Interval of Proportions

C I space equals space p with hat on top space plus-or-minus space z asterisk times space square root of fraction numerator p q over denominator n end fraction end root