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Course Evaluation and Certificate Instructions

Author: Sophia

Evaluation Survey

Now that you have finished the Spanish for Nurses course series, please complete the course evaluation survey by clicking the following link:

Spanish for Nurses Evaluation Survey

Once you have submitted your survey, mark this tutorial as complete and return to the course dashboard. This survey will need to be submitted in order to receive your certificate of course completion.

Please take a moment to ensure your email address and name are accurate within your profile.

Tuition Reimbursement Process via EdAssist

Within 120 days of your successful completion of the Spanish for Nurses program, you can submit a reimbursement application to EdAssist.

To do this, you will need two documents:

  1. A receipt of payment, which you received upon your registration for the program
  2. A Certificate of Completion, which you can download upon completion
In the section below, you will find further instructions for downloading your Certificate of Completion.

Certificate Download

Upon successful completion of the Spanish for Nurses program, you will receive a badge within the course environment. At the top of Course 7, there will be a button to "Get Your Badge." This button will also be shown next to Course 7 on your program dashboard that lists all of the courses.

When you click on this "Get Your Badge" button, you will see:

  • A notification that you have earned a badge for completing the program
  • A button to "Accept Your Badge" by setting up an account on Acclaim
Once you have created an Acclaim account and claimed your badge, you will have the option to share the badge via social media (e.g., LinkedIn) if you wish to do so.

To get a completion certificate to use for the EdAssist reimbursement process, you will:

  1. Open your Capella Spanish Badge.
  2. Click the "Share" button on the top right.
  3. Choose the print option by selecting the icon of the printer.
  4. Select "Download PDF" to download the certificate.
  5. Save the certificate on your local computer.
  6. Attach the certificate to your application for reimbursement from EdAssist.