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Critical Features of a PLC

Author: Jody Waltman
Video Transcript

Notes on "Critical Features of a PLC"

(00:00 - 00:34) Introduction

(00:35 - 02:37) Focus on Learning

(02:38 - 04:45) Focus on Collaborative Culture

(04:46 - 05:29) Focus on Results

(05:30 - 06:04) Stop and Reflect

Additional Resources

Professional Learning Communities, Data Driven Decision Making, And Response To Intervention

This article demonstrates how using data is a critical element in the RTI process. The RTI Action Network website has many tools and articles to assist PLCs in developing their RTI teams and processes.

Task 5: Develop Vision and Mission Statements

The South Central Comprehensive Center at the University of Oklahoma provides a step-by-step activity to guide teams through the development of their vision and mission.