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Critical Friends as a Best Practice in Peer to Peer Feedback

Author: Trisha Fyfe

Source: Image light, Public Domain,; Image of ??, Public Domain,; Image Human circle, Public Domain, ; Image of collaboration, Public Domain,

Video Transcript

Notes on “Critical Friends as a Best Practice in Peer to Peer Feedback"


(00:00- 00:23) Introduction/Objectives

(00:24- 01:07) Critical Friends and Teacher Evaluation

(01:08- 01:49) Critical Friends Groups

(01:50- 03:09) Critical Friends Groups: Distinguishing Characteristics

(03:10- 05:52) Critical Friends Groups: Protocols

(05:53- 07:11) Informal Peer-to-Peer Relationships

(07:12- 07:31) Recap

(07:32- 08:14) Reflection 

Additional Resources

School Reform Initiative: Protocols

The School Reform Initiative has developed a comprehensive array of protocols designed to improve teaching and learning, including the critical friends protocol. This site provides access to all of the protocols and team templates to guide peer to peer coaching and feedback.

Taking Peer Feedback to Heart

In this article, Terry Bramschreiber demonstrates how one school campus works as a Professional Learning Community to provide feedback for the purpose of reflection and instructional improvement.