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Danielson and Marzano in Action

Author: Trisha Fyfe

Source: Image light, Public Domain,, Marzano Framework info graph,

Video Transcript

Notes on “Danielson and Marzano in Action”


(00:00- 00:28) Introduction/Objectives

(00:29- 01:23) Teacher Evaluation and Requirements

(01:24- 02:47) Tools and Resources Available for Danielson and Marzano Models 

(02:48- 04:17) Examples of Danielson’s Model

(04:18- 05:21) Examples of Marzano’s Model

(05:22- 06:00) Recap 

(06:01- 06:52) Reflection 

Additional Resources

The Danielson Group: The Framework

This page has important and useful tools to carry out the Danielson Model. These tools include templates and connections to the Common Core State Standards.

Framework for Teaching Evaluation Instrument 

This report from the New York Department of Education details how the NYDOE fully adopted the Danielson Model for its teacher evaluation system.

Rhode Island Department of Education: Educator Evaluation

The Rhode Island Model adapted the Danielson Framework. The Model includes teacher observation, professional growth plans, student growth based on both state assessment data and the achievement of teacher established Student Learning Objectives (SLOs), and teacher feedback.

AchieveNJ: Teacher Evaluation

The New Jersey Model combines the domains and elements from the Danielson and Marzano Models. The evaluation model includes teacher practices, student achievement, and student growth.