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Determining Intercepts

Author: Sophia

what's covered
In this lesson, you will learn how to determine the x-intercept and y-intercept of a linear equation. Specifically, this lesson will cover:

Table of Contents

1. Determining Intercepts on a Graph

When we talk about a line's intercepts, we most often mean the x-intercept and the y-intercept. These are locations where the line intercepts or crosses the x- or y- axis. A Below is the graph of a line, with both intercepts shown:

big idea
Notice that the x-intercept always has a y-coordinate of 0, and the y-intercept always has an x-coordinate of 0.

terms to know
Where a line or curve intersects the x-axis, at y equals 0.
Where a line or curve intersects the y-axis, at x equals 0.

2. Determining Intercepts from a Table

Keeping the above note in mind, we can easily identify intercepts from a table of x and y values when we notice that one of the coordinates is zero!


Find the x-intercept and y-intercept for the list of values in the following table.

x y
-2 18
0 12
2 6
4 0
6 -6

We see that a coordinate pair (0, 12) contains a zero. In this coordinate pair, the x-coordinate is zero, which means this actually represents the y-intercept. The y-intercept of the line is at the point (0, 12).

We also notice a zero in the coordinate pair (4, 0). In this case, the y-coordinate is zero, so this is the x-intercept. The line crosses the x-axis at the point (4, 0).

3. Determining Intercepts from an Equation

How can we use the equation of a line to find its x- and y- intercepts? A common form of a line is in slope-intercept form: y equals m x plus b. This form is called slope-intercept form because b represents the y-coordinate of the y-intercept (and we know that its x-coordinate is 0). We can also use the equation in this form to find the x-intercept. Since x-intercepts have a y-coordinate of 0, we set the equation equal to zero and solve for x.


Find the x-intercept and y-intercept of the equation y equals short dash 2 x plus 8.

We can easily find the y-intercept:

y equals short dash 2 x plus 8 When we have the equation in the form y equals m x plus b, the variable b is the y-coordinate of the y-intercept
b equals 8 This is the y-coordinate of the y-intercept. For the y-intercept, the x-coordinate is always 0
straight y straight minus straight i straight n straight t straight e straight r straight c straight e straight p straight t space equals space left parenthesis 0 comma space 8 right parenthesis The y-intercept is (0,8)

Now, find the x-intercept:

y equals short dash 2 x plus 8 To find the x-intercept, plug 0 in for y as the y-coordinate is always 0
0 equals short dash 2 x plus 8 Subtract 8 from both sides
short dash 8 equals short dash 2 x Divide both sides by -2
4 equals x This is the x-coordinate of the x-intercept. For the x-intercept, the y-coordinate is always 0
straight x straight minus straight i straight n straight t straight e straight r straight c straight e straight p straight t space equals space left parenthesis 4 comma space 0 right parenthesis The x-intercept is (4,0)

For the equation y equals short dash 2 x plus 8, the x-intercept is at (4,0) and the y-intercept is at (0,8).

When determining intercepts on a graph, the x-intercept is where a line or a curve intersects the x-axis. It is also where y equals 0 and is written as (x, 0) as a coordinate pair. The y-intercept is where a line or curve intersects the y-axis. It is also where x equals 0 and is written as (0, y) as a coordinate pair. When determining intercepts from a table, we look for instances where x equals 0 or y equals 0. When determining intercepts from an equation, the variable b represents the y-coordinate of the y-intercept. To find the x-intercept, plug in 0 for y and solve for x.


Terms to Know

The location on a graph where a line or curve intersects the x-axis: (x, 0)


The location on a graph where a line or curve intersects the y-axis: (0, y)