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Determining Slope

Author: Sophia

what's covered
In this lesson, you will learn how to calculate the slope of a line that passes through two points. Specifically, this lesson will cover:

Table of Contents

1. Algebraic Definition of Slope

The slope of a line measures its steepness. A common way to think about the slope of a line is the "rise over run." This means that we calculate a change in a vertical position from one point to another, and divide it by the change in the horizontal position between those two points. Algebraically, we have the following formula for slope:

formula to know
m equals fraction numerator y subscript 2 minus y subscript 1 over denominator x subscript 2 minus x subscript 1 end fraction

The numerator of the fraction, or the "rise", is the difference in y-coordinates from two points on the line, and the denominator of the fraction, or the "run", is the difference in x-coordinates from the same two points on the line. As we can see in our formula, all that is needed to calculate the slope of a line are the coordinates of two points on the line.

2. Finding Slope from Two Points

Let's find the slope of a line that passes through two points


Find the slope of the line that passes through (-2, 6) and (4, 18).

First, we need to define each point as Point 1 and Point 2, so that the x- and y-coordinates are used in the correct order in our formula. We will define Point 1 as open parentheses x subscript 1 comma space y subscript 1 close parentheses equals open parentheses short dash 2 comma space 6 close parentheses and Point 2 as open parentheses x subscript 2 comma space y subscript 2 close parentheses equals open parentheses 4 comma space 18 close parentheses.

To find the slope of the line that passes through (-2, 6) and (4, 18), the process is as follows:

m equals fraction numerator y subscript 2 minus y subscript 1 over denominator x subscript 2 minus x subscript 1 end fraction Use the slope formula and substitute the known values:
table attributes columnalign left end attributes row cell y subscript 2 equals 18 comma space space y subscript 1 equals 6 end cell row cell x subscript 2 equals 4 comma space space x subscript 1 equals short dash 2 end cell end table
m equals fraction numerator 18 minus 6 over denominator 4 minus open parentheses short dash 2 close parentheses end fraction Simplify the numerator and denominator
m equals 12 over 6 Divide 12 by 6
m equals 2 Our Solution

It does not matter if we had decided to label Point 1 as (4, 18) and Point 2 as (-2, 6), our calculation for slope will be the same. The important thing is to be consistent with which coordinates are subtracted in our calculation. For example, (y1 – y2) / (x1 – x2) would give the same result.

3. Finding Slope from a Table of Values

If we are given a table of values that represent different x- and y-coordinate pairs to a line, we can calculate the slope of the line by choosing any two coordinate pairs, and plugging them into the formula for slope.


Find the slope of the line associated with the values in the following table.

x y
4 11
6 25
8 39
10 53

Remember, all we need is two points to calculate the slope of the line. We can choose any two rows here to represent x- and y-values to use in our formula. To show the solution, let's choose the first and last sets of values: open parentheses x subscript 1 comma space y subscript 1 close parentheses equals open parentheses 4 comma space 11 close parentheses and open parentheses x subscript 2 comma space y subscript 2 close parentheses equals open parentheses 10 comma space 53 close parentheses.

m equals fraction numerator y subscript 2 minus y subscript 1 over denominator x subscript 2 minus x subscript 1 end fraction Use the slope formula and substitute the known values:
table attributes columnalign left end attributes row cell y subscript 2 equals 53 comma space space y subscript 1 equals 11 end cell row cell x subscript 2 equals 10 comma space space x subscript 1 equals 4 end cell end table
m equals fraction numerator 53 minus 11 over denominator 10 minus 4 end fraction Simplify the numerator and denominator
m equals 42 over 6 Divide 42 by 6
m equals 7 Our Solution

The algebraic definition of slope is m equal open parentheses y subscript 2 minus y subscript 1 close parentheses divided by open parentheses x subscript 2 minus x subscript 1 close parentheses. The slope of a line is commonly referred to as the rise over run, with the rise is the difference in y-coordinates, and the run is the difference in x-coordinates between any two points on a line. To determine the slope, you only need the x and y-coordinates from two points or a table of values.


Formulas to Know

m equals fraction numerator y subscript 2 minus y subscript 1 over denominator x subscript 2 minus x subscript 1 end fraction