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Develop a CBE Unit of Study

Author: Jody Waltman
Video Transcript

Notes on "Develop a CBE Unit of Study"

(00:00 - 00:26) Introduction

(00:27 - 01:31) Overview of Unit Template

(01:32 - 02:34) UbD Stage 1 Questions

(02:35 - 03:14) UbD Stage 2 Questions

(03:15 - 04:14) UbD Stage 3 Questions

(04:15 - 05:09) Standards and Competencies

(05:10 - 05:47) Tips

(05:48 - 06:08) Review

(06:09 - 06:48) Stop and Reflect

Additional Resources

UbD in a Nutshell 

This handout provides a great overview of the components of a UbD plan by Jay McTighe. This is a terrific tool to use when planning a UbD lesson or unit.

Overview of UbD & the Design Template

This is Grant Wiggins' UbD lesson plan template that you can use in the planning of your own lessons. Included in the template are good and bad examples as well as clear instructions on developing your plan.