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Developing Goals | CH

Author: Chris Hayes


Four-step Process for Developing Goals

Step 1: Get the Big Picture. Set Long-Term Goals.

  • You need to have a vision for where you want to end up. Setting long-term goals give you the framework to fill in with middle and short-term goals.
  • You may set long-term goals for different areas of your life – career, family, financial, and so on.
  • Feel free to brainstorm many goals, then trim them down to a few meaningful goals that you can focus on.
Step 2: Break it Down. Establish Middle and Short-Term Goals
  • This involves breaking your long-term goal (or goals) into small, achievable steps.
  • Think of things you could accomplish this year – each month and each week.
  • Use these goals to create a to-do list of things you can do today.
  • When you're starting out, early goals may include research on how to achieve your higher-level goals. This information will help you refine your goals.
Step 3: Get it on Paper. Defining Goals.
  • People who write down their goals are statistically more likely to achieve them.
  • State each goal positively. For example, "I will do this thing well" rather than "I won't make any stupid mistakes."
  • Give each goal a priority to help you know where to focus your attention.
  • Keep goals about things in your control. For example, you may have a goal to apply to present at a conference, but you can't control whether they'll actually select you as a speaker.
  • Keep your goals precise. You can do this using SMART goals explained later in this lesson.
Step 4: Start Walking

  • Try to take a small step toward your long-term goal (or goals) every day. Consistent, small steps mean steady progress.
  • Review your goals periodically. As time goes by, your circumstances and priorities may change. Make sure that your goals remain relevant to where you are.
  • Celebrate your achievements!

The S.M.A.R.T. Model

Leadership Action Plan

Think about how you can use the S.M.A.R.T Model to develop your own goals. Write it down as you prepare for this topic's Leadership Action Plan.

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