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Differentiating Instruction: Environment

Author: Katie Hou

Differentiating Instruction: Environment (w/Audacity)

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Video Transcript

Differentiating Instruction:Environment

Video Transcript

Notes on “Differentiating Instruction: Environment”


(00:00-00:12) Introduction

(00:13-00:52) Differentiated Instruction Review

(00:53-01:55) Student Profiles

(01:56-02:24) Differentiating the Learning Environment

(02:25-03:53) Physical Layout

(03:54-05:00) Feel of the Classroom

(05:01-05:19) Questions

(05:20-05:29) Reflection

(05:30-05:52) Conclusion

Additional Resources

Differentiating Instruction with Technology in K-5 Classrooms

This excerpt provides an overview of differentiated instruction and reviews the basic tenets. In particular, see table 1.2 ("Nine categories of instructional strategies most likely to help students learn") on page 15; this table crosswalks high-yield instructional strategies with no technology and technology strategies for implementation in the classroom.

Inclusion in the 21st-century classroom: Differentiating with technology

This entry provides practical approaches for teachers to implement differentiation strategies with technology in their instruction. The authors provide strategies for the four types of differentiation: content, process, product, and environment.