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Author: Sophia

what's covered
In this lesson, you will learn about some of the basic structures and functions associated with the digestive system. Specifically, this lesson will cover:

Table of Contents

1. Digestive System Overview

The digestive system, if you were to break it down as easily as possible, is like one large tube that has two openings. One opening is where food enters, and the other opening is where the waste exits, and in between those openings is where food is digested, and nutrients are absorbed.

There are five main functions of the digestive system:

  • Mechanically Processes Food
  • Digests Food
  • Secretes Enzymes
  • Absorbs Nutrients
  • Eliminates Waste
term to know
Digestive System
A bodily system involved in digesting and absorbing foods.

2. Digestive System Path

The mouth is the site where food enters our body into the digestive system. Within the mouth, food is mechanically and chemically broken down; then you will swallow it.

Food will then move towards the pharynx, which is also known as your throat, and then from there will move to the esophagus. The esophagus is the tube that connects your mouth and your pharynx to your stomach (the esophagus lies between the trachea and the spine). Peristalsis is a wavelike motion that will help push food down the esophagus towards your stomach and the rest of your digestive system.

The stomach is the site where food is mechanically and chemically broken down. The mechanical and chemical breakdown occurred in the mouth and then will be more extensive in the stomach. There are different enzymes and gastric juices that chemically digest food.

From there, the food will travel into the small intestine, which is the location where most of the nutrients from the food that you eat are absorbed. After the small intestine, food will then move into the large intestine, where any remaining nutrients and water are absorbed.

Once nutrients, water, and everything that needs to be absorbed have been absorbed, waste will exit out the end of the large intestine (the anus).

terms to know
The location where food enters and digestion begins.
Also known as the throat; food moves from the mouth to the pharynx as a person begins to swallow.
A tube that carries food from the pharynx to the stomach.
The area where food is stored as well as chemically and mechanically digested before moving into the small intestine.
Small Intestine
A long tube that food passes through as nutrients are absorbed.
Large Intestine
A tube attached to the small intestine where remaining nutrients and water are absorbed before waste is passed.

learn more

Investigate the organs of the digestive system and follow their path through the body in three dimensions using augmented reality (AR)!

If you’re on a laptop or desktop computer: Scan the QR code using the camera on your smartphone or tablet.

If you are on a phone or tablet click here.

This lesson has been an overview on the structure and function of the digestive system. Specifically, you looked at the five main functions and the path of the digestive system.

Keep up the learning and have a great day!


Terms to Know
Digestive System

A body system involved in digesting and absorbing foods.


A tube that carries food from the pharynx to the stomach.

Large Intestine

A tube attached to the small intestine where remaining nutrients and water are absorbed before waste is passed.


The location where food enters and digestion begins.


Also known as the throat. Food moves from the mouth to the pharynx as a person begins to swallow.

Small Intestine

A long tube in which food passes through as nutrients are absorbed.


The area where food is stored as well as chemically and mechanically digested before moving into the small intestine.