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Digital Bloom's

Author: Trisha Fyfe

Source: Image of Light bulb, Public Domain,; Image of Digital Bloom’s Pyramid, Creative Commons,

Video Transcript

Notes on "Digital Bloom's"


 (00:00- 00:33) Introduction/Objectives

(00:34- 02:32) Review of Bloom's Taxonomy/verbs

(02:33- 03:39) Digital Bloom's

(03:40-07:47) Verbs for Digital Bloom's

(07:48- 08:47) Review/Reflection


Additional Resources

Revised Bloom's Taxonomy

This wiki page provides ideas for digital tools to use with each level of Bloom's Digital Taxonomy. The site provides links to technology tools organized by the levels of Bloom's. This is a helpful planning resource as you begin to integrate technology into your classroom.

Bloom's Taxonomy and the Digital World

This article provides an overview the use of Bloom's Taxonomy in the 21st century classroom.

The Best Resources for Using Digital Bloom's in the Classroom

This blog post by teacher Larry Ferlazzo includes Digital Bloom's resources and how and why to use them. Ferlazzo provides a useful Bloom's Chart for planning. Scroll down to the Pirates of the Caribbean video for a quirky look at Digital Bloom's.