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Digital Commerce

Author: Kathleen Johnson

Source: Digital Access Key Image; Morgue File;; Commerce Image; Clker;; Safe Image; Clker;; Frustration Image; Clker;

Video Transcript

Notes on "Digital Commerce"

(00:00-00:40) Intro

(00:41-01:05) Objectives

(01:06-03:26) Digital Citizenship Overview

(03:27-04:19) What is Digital Commerce?

(04:20-05:18) Why is Digital Commerce Important to Know?

(05:19-07:02) What Should You Teach Your Students about Digital Commerce?

(07:03-07:24) Review

(07:25-08:26) Reflection

Additional Resources

Virtual Collaboration Project

Prepared by the North American Council on Online Learning this white
paper articulates a vision for 21st century learning in virtualschools, and identify ways in which online learning can improve outcomes forall students.