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Digital Health

Author: Kathleen Johnson

Source: Brain Image; Clker;; Gym Image; Clker;; Ergonomic Chair Image; Clker;

Video Transcript

Notes on "Digital Health"

(00:00-00:33) Intro

(00:34-00:57) Objectives

(00:58-03:20) Digital Citizenship Overview

(03:21-04:37) What is Digital Health?

(04:38-06:05) Why is Digital Health Important to Know?

(06:06-07:43) Studies on Digital Health?

(07:44-09:10) What Should You Teach Your Students about Digital Health?

(09:11-09:37) Review

(09:38-10:25) Reflection

Additional Resources

Digital Health for Teens

Helpful article from Roots of Action written by a developmental psychologist suggesting multiple ways to improve the digital health of families.

Teaching Parents Digital Citizenship

Article from MediaSmarts examining how parents can help their children become smarter digital citizens. This article offers useful insights for educators interested in providing parents instruction on digital citizenship. See embedded PDF.