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Digital Law

Author: Kathleen Johnson

Source: School Books Image; Clker;; Law Image; Clker;

Video Transcript

Notes on "Digital Law"

(00:00-00:50) Intro

(00:51-01:13) Objectives

(01:14-03:32) Digital Citizenship Overview

(03:33-04:29) What is Digital Law?

(04:30-05:58) Why is Digital Law Important to Know?

(05:59-08:39) What Should You Teach Your Students about Digital Law?

(08:40-09:01) Review

(09:02-09:48) Reflection

Additional Resources

Teaching Copyright

This is a creative commons website offering teachers a complete curriculum to teach digital copyright. Teachers are provides with five lessons and the associated resources necessary to teach their students about digital law and copyright. Important to this curriculum is the necessary dialog between teachers and students as teachers facilitate the lessons.