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Dividing Polynomials

Author: Kyle Webb

Review of Long Division

Start at around 5:25. This video is not required, but serves as a review of long division, since we will be using the same process.

Long Division of Polynomials

Long Division of Polynomials - How to do long division on polynomials. 3 examples are shown!

Synthetic Division

Synthetic Division - This video shows how you can use synthetic division to divide a polynomial by a linear expression. It also shows how synthetic division can be used to evaluate polynomials!

Synthetic Division (2)

Synthetic Division - Example 2. Another video showing how to use synthetic division to divide a polynomial by a linear expression and also how to use the remainder to evaluate the polynomial.

Text Versions

If you'd prefer to read about polynomial long division and synthetic division, you can find resources:

Part 2

Use synthetic division to find the value of a funciton

Rational Zero Theorem

Source: ProfKeester

Fundamental theorem of algebra