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Early Northern Renaissance Art

Author: Sophia

what's covered
There were many cultural components related to the development of art in northern France and Flanders. In this lesson, you will learn about:

Table of Contents

big idea
The "Very Rich Hours" is a major change in manuscript illumination, in which the images began dominating the text.

1. Period and Location: Early Northern Renaissance

This lesson covers art and culture from about 1325 to 1475, as highlighted in the timeline below. This covers the lifespan of two Dukes of Burgundy, Philip the Bold and Philip the Good. The art studied in this lesson is from Flanders, an area of modern-day Belgium previously under the control of the kingdom of France. It is now part of Belgium.


This map shows the modern-day border of Flanders, as well as the city of Brussels for reference.


2. Two Philips

A number of cultural aspects relate to the development of the art in northern France and Flanders during this time. First is the rise of the Burgundian dukes: Philip the Bold, followed by Philip the Good. Both functioned almost independently of the kingdom of France and spent a great deal of their time expanding their territory and enjoying very extravagant lifestyles. Their patronage of the arts was extremely important to its proliferation in this area during this time.

The other development was more of a natural consequence of one of the worst pandemics in human history, that of the bubonic plague, or Black Death. This plague is thought to have originated in Asia and been spread by fleas on rats. Regardless of how it started or spread, it decimated the European population, killing anywhere from one- to two-thirds of the population of Europe over the centuries. It’s hard to tell because there are few good records from that time.

did you know
There was a bit of a silver lining for those that did survive. There was plenty of work, and plenty of money to pay those that could still work. Serfs, who were indentured servants tied to a piece of property until they paid their debt, were able to earn money relatively quickly and buy their freedom. This rise in the freedom of serfs contributed to the rise of the middle class, which in turn created a new, large pool of patrons to the arts, called burghers, and also to the origins of capitalism.

terms to know
A middle class citizen of a borough or town
An economic system in which means of production (capital) is privately owned

3. Very Rich Hours

Images of peasants and the aristocracy at their leisure are a defining element of the art of the Northern Renaissance.

This image from a larger book of hours, illustrated by the Limbourg brothers between 1413 and 1416, is an example of aristocracy at leisure.

Very Rich Hours of the Duke of Berry by The Limbourg Brothers1413-1416 AD
Very Rich Hours of the Duke of Berry by The Limbourg Brothers
1413-1416 AD

A book of hours was a devotional book used by Christians. This example is also interesting in that the emphasis is clearly on the illustration rather than the text. This marks a major change in manuscript illumination. Before this, the emphasis was on the text, and the images were supplementary. Here we see a reversal, where the emphasis is beginning to shift to the illustrations.

terms to know
Northern Renaissance
An age of artistic and cultural discovery and Christian humanism that took place in Germany, the Netherlands, and France
Book of Hours
A popular devotional book used by Christians during the Middle Ages
Manuscript Illumination
Decorating and illustrating a manuscript and embellishing it with gold or silver

The development of art in northern France and Flanders had several influential actors. In this lesson, you learned about the period and location of the Early Northern Renaissance.

Two Philips, or the Burgundian dukes Philip the Bold and Philip the Good, functioned almost independently of the kingdom of France, and spent a great deal of their time expanding their territory and enjoying very extravagant lifestyles. Their patronage of the arts was extremely important during this time.

Finally, you learned about the Very Rich Hours. A book of hours was a devotional book used by Christians. This example is also interesting in that the emphasis is clearly on the illustration rather than the text, marking a major change in manuscript illumination.


Terms to Know
Book of Hours

A popular devotional book used by Christians during the Middle Ages.


A middle class citizen of a borough or town.


An economic system in which means of production (capital) is privately owned.

Manuscript Illumination

A decorated and illustrated manuscript embellished with gold or silver.

Northern Renaissance

An age of artistic and cultural discovery and Christian humanism that took place in Germany, the Netherlands, and France.