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Economic Reasoning

Author: Maria Hernandez


What is money?

Different types of money.

Why do we need it? 

Need Want Needs vs. Wants 

*comfort: car, nice clothes, own a home, etc..

new car, brand/expensive clothes, mansion
Wants and needs anchor chart by bw9952

Counting Money


Different money carries different value.

Trade Offs

Local vs. Foreign Made Products

Local made (United States of America, because that is where we live)

Some of the major crops grown in America:

  1. Corn 
  2.  Soybeans 
  3. Cotton 
  4. Wheat

Foreign made (somewhere outside of local place, in our case outside of U.S.A) products

  1. Coffe, tea, and spices (Mexico, Brazil, Italy, Columbia, etc..)
  2. Fish and shellfish (Canada, Chile, China, Thailand, etc..) 
  3. Dairy products (New Zealand, France, Spain, Mexico, etc..)