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Emergency Situations

Author: Kathy Girard

PDF for Emergency Situations


Source: LTC Healtcore

Lesson 6 Assignment 1 - Disaster Plan

Every family should have a personal disaster recovery plan to help prepare for foreseen and unforeseen disasters. This plan should be adequate to handle events such as tornados, hurricanes, and home fires.

Prepare a personal disaster recovery plan for you and your family. Make sure your plan addresses these things:

Things that should be done routinely to protect against a disaster that cannot be anticipated
Things you would do immediately after a disaster to help your family recover
Important documents and files your family will need, such as insurance papers, to recover from the disaster.
If you have a computer, what you will do to make it easier to recover from the destruction of the computer.
Other information you feel is important.

Write or type your answer and turn in to your instructor

Possible Points: 8

Things done to prepare for disasters (2 points)
Things done after disaster (2 points)
Handling of personal papers (2 points)
Submission is well written with correct spelling, grammar, & punctuation. (2 points)

Source: LTC Healthcore