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Energy Transformations (Chapter 5 Lesson 2)

Author: Jason Fritz

Energy Transformations

The changes from one type of energy to another type of energy are called energy transformations.
-add info from this tutorial to your "Forms of Energy" lesson notes.

Source: adapted from Physical iScience - McGraw/Hill

Energy Transformations

A detailed description of how energy can be transformed from one form to the next.

Source: D Watson


Energy is the ability to do work. Energy can't be either created or destroyed, it just change from one form into another form. This change is called Energy Transformation.

Types of Energy and Energy Transformation

Source: Alex Lee

Energy Pathway

Harvesting energy from places such as wind turbines, radioactive elements, and fossil fuels require knowledge of concepts such as Transfer of Energy, Energy Forms and Electric Circuits. To establish a 
sustainable environment, comprehensive knowledge of Conservation of Energy is mandatory. Energy impacts everything and to understand it, is 
to create an environment in which to thrive. Skills and techniques mastered in Mechanical Energy and Fission and Fusion, will establish a foundational proficiency that is directly applied to understanding the creation and manipulation of Energy. Proceed completing the concepts in the "Energy Pathway."
1 Transfer of Energy
2 Conservation of Energy
3 Mechanical Energy
4 Electric Circuits
5 Energy Forms
6 Energy Advances
7 Fission and Fusion


Energy Skate Park: Basics

Start with the intro lab and check the different graphs to compare potential and kinetic energy.

Source: PhET

Energy Workshops

Click on image and go through each workshop for an informational video clip about energy. 

Source: © Annenberg Foundation 2014. All rights reserved.

Safari Montage Video

For students to use Safari Montage they only need to sign in as they would a school computer.

The Transfer of Energy
In The Transfer of Energy, aspiring scientist Sylvie uncovers some compelling examples of how energy is never lost -- it just changes form as it moves through the universe. Discover that without energy transfers, there could be no life on Earth! Colorful, fast-paced visuals help students learn that heat energy from the sun is transferred to the Earth's surface and among objects in three different ways: conduction, convection and radiation. Find out that the sun's energy is also continually being transferred into different forms that we depend on to live and grow. A fun experiment with golf balls and ping-pong balls allows kids to see an energy transfer in action. James Watt's steam engine is an excellent historical example of how heat energy can be harnessed to do work as it changes form. Part of the multivolume Energy in Action Video Series.
24 min 3 sec

Safety Smart Safety Smart Science with Bill Nye the Science Guy: Renewable Energy with Bill Nye the Science Guy: Renewable Energy
Bill Nye the Science Guy explores the science of renewable energy and demonstrates how we can use science and technology to engineer a brighter tomorrow. Using his trademark blend of hands-on demos and humor, Nye explains Law of Conservation of Energy. Then, he's off to the Renewable Energy Lab at UL to compare renewable and nonrenewable energy sources such as fossil fuels, solar energy, wind power and hydroelectricity.
21 min 4 sec.

Source: Safari Montage

Reading Essentials: Energy Transformations

Lesson text written for the approaching-level student.


Source: McGraw/Hill

Energy and Energy Transformations Choice Assignment

We have been studying the different forms of energy and how energy can transform from one form to the next. You job is to choose a method of demonstrating your knowledge of how energy is not created nor destroyed but transforms from one form to the next.

1. Look over all of your research from your notes and book analyzing the different form of energy and how they can transform from one form to the next.
2. Create a project that will demonstrate your knowledge of the forms of energy and their transformations.


Energy Mega Packet: Chapter Review

Choice Assignment Option


Energy Observation and Transformation Stations Lab Sheet


Energy Observation and Transformation Stations Directions

Station 1 Materials:

1.  Sun/Window

2.  Calculator

Directions: hold the calculator near the window for a few moments. Take your finger and cover the solar panel of your calculator. Do you notice anything?

On your lab sheet use pictures and words to draw up the energy transformation happening at this station.

Station 2 Materials:

1.  Lamp

2.  Thermometer

3.  Sand

Directions: use thermometer to take temperature of sand. Plug in lamp and have shine on sand for 1 minute. Take temperature again. Did you notice any change?

On your lab sheet use pictures and words to draw up the energy transformation happening at this station.

Station 3 Materials:

1.  Electric Outlet

2.  Hair Dryer

3.  Thermometer

Directions: use thermometer to take temperature of counter. Plug in the hair dryer and use the heat setting and aim at the counter top (leave about 5 cm from the hair dryer and the counter top). Re-take the counter’s temperature. Did you notice any change?

On your lab sheet use pictures and words to draw up the energy transformation happening at this station.

Station 4 Materials:

1.  Emergency Flash light

2.  Human

Directions: take the flashlight and turn it on. Shake the flashlight very fast (like a shake weight) for about 15 seconds. Did you notice anything happening?

On your lab sheet use pictures and words to draw up the energy transformation happening at this station.

Station 5 Materials:

1.  Hot Plates

2.  Thermometer

Directions: take the coolest hot plate and take the temperature of the top. Plug in and turn on hot plate on high. Wait about 2 minutes then re-take the temperature of the hot plate. What changes have you noticed?

On your lab sheet use pictures and words to draw up the energy transformation happening at this station.

Station 6 Materials

1.  Human Hands

2.  Thermometer

Directions: use the thermometer to take the temperature of your palms. Very quickly rub your hands together for about a minute and re-take the temperature of your palms. Did you notice anything?

On your lab sheet use pictures and words to draw up the energy transformation happening at this station.

Station 7 Materials

1.  Batteries

2.  Flashlight

Directions: place the batteries into the flashlight. Turn on the flashlight and aim at the floor. Keep flashlight on for about a minute and take out the batteries. Feel the batteries, do you notice anything?

On your lab sheet use pictures and words to draw up the energy transformation happening at this station

Station 8 Materials:

1.  Saltine Cracker

2.  Hungary student

Directions: Make observations of the cracker then place in your mouth and begin to chew. Prior to swallowing show your food to your partners and make further observations. What did you notice?

On your lab sheet use pictures and words to draw up the energy transformation happening at this station.

Station 9 Materials:

1.  Electrical Outlet

2.  Fan

Directions: plug fan into outlet. Make observations on the motion of the fan’s blades. What do you feel, see, and hear?

On your lab sheet use pictures and words to draw up the energy transformation happening at this station.

Station 10 Materials:

1.  Matches

2.  Metal can/sink

Directions: make qualitative observations of the match. Spark match and quickly place in can. Re-evaluate the match. Did you notice any change? Afterwards please rinse can out with water.

On your lab sheet use pictures and words to draw up the energy transformation happening at this station.

Station 11 Materials:

1.  Electric outlet

2.  Microwave

3.  Water/bowl

4.  Thermometer

Directions: take the temperature of the water in the cup. Plug the microwave in, place the small bowl of water inside, and turn the microwave on for 1.5 minutes. Take out water and re-take the temperature of the water.

On your lab sheet use pictures and words to draw up the energy transformation happening at this station.

Station 12 Materials:

1.  Sun/Window

2.  Plants

Directions: Using all you know about how plants grow, discuss with your group what’s going on with this plant. 

On your lab sheet use pictures and words to draw up the energy transformation happening at this station.