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Eva Peron

Author: Eileen Kriechbaum

La historia del Tango9.40 minute history with music (Spanish)

A history of the background of how the "Tango" was created.
In Spanish with music, composers and illustrations.

Source: Youtube

Peron, Eva, Time line

A time line that helps put the short life of Eva Peron into focus.


Source: Story, Dale

Eva Perón

Historical view of the life of Eva Perón

Source: Prensa Senadora Elsa Ruiz Diaz

Eva _Peron Teaching guide

All in English:
 Her time line, Critical thinking skill questions, Matching vocabulary quiz, Review questions, Evita's life number 1-10, True or false quiz, Argentina- Library & Internet sources.
Paper- Writing a themed essay
Test- Multiple choice 

Eva Peron       
Birth to  5 years: Childhood
15 to 23 years: Rising Fame as a Radio Star
24 to 27 years: Affair with and Marriage to Juan Peron
28 to 29 years: Early Years as the First Lady,  including the Rainbow Tour
30 to 33 years: Founding of the Eva Peron Foundation and Peronist Women's  Party
Her humble birth and rural childhood    
Her first acting experiences
Her move to Buenos Aires
Her first jobs as a radio actress
Her rise to celebrity status
Her first meeting with Juan Peron
Juan Peron's first exile from office and his triumphant return
Evita's early days as  First Lady
The Rainbow Tour
Founding of the Eva Peron Foundation and Peronist Women's  Party
Evita's  illness, death and grand funeral
Critical Thinking
Even today, Eva Peron is a controversial figure in Argentina and around the world. While she helped the nation make great social reforms, she also engaged in censorship and padding of the Presidential bank account.
Do Eva Peron's accomplishments outweigh her contributions? Do the ends justify the means?   
Use these questions and thoughts to stimulate a class debate. Encourage all students to think about the questions and contribute original ideas.
The following terms are from Evita: The Life of Eva Peron.   
1. Eva Duarte
2. Juan Duarte
3. Buenos Aires
4. descamisados
5. Juan Peron
6. Peronism
7. Rainbow Tour
8. Eva Peron Foundation
9. Peronist Women's  Party
10. "Spiritual Leader of the Nation"
A) private organization that became the first public welfare agency in South America
B) powerful labor leader in Argentina who became President; husband of Evita
C) capital city of Argentina, where Evita rose to become wealthy and famous
D) political ideology focused on social iustice for the working class and economic  independence for Argentina
E) the illegitimate,  poorly educated girl who became the powerful leader Evita
F) political organization founded by Evita which recruited female voters
G) Evita's  trip to Spain and other parts of Europe;  designed to bring the name of Peron to the  rest of the world
H) wealthy rancher who fathered Evita, but would not recognize her as his daughter
I) title bestowed upon Evita by the Argentine Congress just weeks before her death
J) "shirtless ones";  nickname given to the workers who supported  Peron
Evita: The Life of Eva Peron                Review Questions
1.  Why did Evita demand that very little be written about her early life?
2.  What mythical creature representing "rebirth"  did Evita want to be associated with?
3.  What did Evita do for a living in Buenos Aires that helped her gain fame,  fortune,  and  the ability to influence millions?
4. Who were the descamisados who supported Peron? Why were they so  loyal to him?
5. In 1945, the Argentine government prevented a possible coup by making Juan Peron a scapegoat. What did they do to him?
6.  On her famous "Rainbow Tour,"  how was Evita greeted by the people of Spain?
7.  What kind of things did the Eva Peron Foundation do for the people of Argentina?
8.  How did the people of Argentina react when Eva Peron died at the age of 32?
Place the events below in order by labeling them with the numbers 1 through 10. Start with the earliest event and finish with the last.
___ Evita was diagnosed with cancer,  but kept the illness hidden from the public.
___ Eva became a celebrated radio actress.
___ Eva Duarte married Juan Peron after his triumphant return from exile.
___ Maria Eva Duarte was born in Los Toldos,  the illegitimate daughter of a rancher.
___ In 1946, Juan Peron was elected president of Argentina and Eva became the celebrated First Lady.
___ Evita was not offered the vice-presidential nomination when her husband ran for reelection.
___ Eva traveled to Buenos Aires with a singer,  determined to become a star.
___ Evita traveled through Europe on her "Rainbow Tour,"  spreading the name of Peron around the world.
___ Eva met Juan Peron,  a military and labor leader twice her age.
___ Maria Eva Duarte Peron died on July 26,  1952.
Place a T  next to statements that are true and an F next to statements that are false.
1.  - Eva Duarte came from a wealthy family and had a privileged upbringing.
2.  - Eva left home at the age of  15 to seek fame and fortune in Hollywood.
3.  - Heard by millions on the radio, Eva became a household name in Argentina.
4. - Eva and Juan Peron met at a relief fund rally for victims of an earthquake.
5- - After Juan's exile from office, Eva rallied tremendous support from the workers.
6. - As  First Lady,  Evita represented the poor by dressing in humble clothes and never wearing jewelry
7- - On her Rainbow Tour,  Evita was given a cold reception in France and Switzerland.
8.  - The Eva Peron Foundation was a powerful organization devoted to helping the needy.
9. - As  a traditionalist, Eva fought against a woman's  right to vote.
10. - Thousands of mourners wept openly as they passed the coffin of their beloved Evita.
ARGENTINA:  Use library and Internet resources to write a three-page essay on one of the following topics:
Agriculture's  role in the Argentine economy
Argentina's  battle for independence from Spain
Buenos Aires,  capital city of Argentina
Climate and land regions of Argentina
Argentina's  current form of government
Conflict in the Falkland Islands in the  1980s
History of the tango and its origin in Buenos Aires
Current economic crisis in Argentina
These hints will make your paper more successful:
1 . Write a brief outline of your paper. Begin with an introduction to grab interest, followed by a purpose statement,  facts to back up your purpose,  and a conclusion.
2. Get good information. Search for books and encyclopedia articles on your topic. Use search engines to locate informative, up-to-date websites. Try to use recent statistics and facts to support your main point.
3. Add interest. Personal stories,  interesting facts,  and quotes will make your paper more memorable.
4. Include your own thoughts. Make the paper personal by reflecting on your own feelings about the subiect matter. What did you learn during your research? How has it expanded your knowledge of life in Argentina?
For  the  following  activity,  use encyclopedia  and  the  Internet  to  learn  more  about
Argentina. When you have gathered enough information, complete the questions below.
1 .What i s  the capital city?
2.Where is it located?
3.Who first seitled the region?
4.What is the climate like?
5.Who is the head of state?
6.What form of government does the country have?
7.What is the official language?
8.What are the chief occupations or industries?
9.What are the chief agricultural or mining products?
10. What i s  the basic unit of money?
Circle the phrase which best answers each question.
1.  Eva Peron was best known as:
the powerful First Lady of Argentina.
a movie star.
the daughter of a wealthy rancher.
Vice-president of Argentina.
 2.  Eva left her home for Buenos Aires with:
a tango singer.
her mother.
her father.
her older brothers.
3.  In the capital city, Eva became wealthy as:
a labor organizer.
founder of a political party.
a radio actress.
a film star.
 4.  Eva became First Lady of Argentina when her husband  was elected President.
 5. As First Lady,  Eva became Evita,  a charismatic leader who:
spent money and cared little for the poor.
fought for social iustice and workers' rights.
was despised by most Argentines.
traveled constantly and spent little time in her own country.
O Copyright 2003  AIMS Multimedia  Evita: The life of Eva Peron Name
 6.  Juan and Eva Peronfs marriage was:
built on equality, loyalty and friendship.
a publicity stunt to please the masses.
filled with violent arguments and many separations.
cold and reserved.
7.  When Evita arrived in Spain,  she was greeted by:
cold cynicism.
people throwing stones and tomatoes.
a small crowd and light applause.
a crowd of 150,000 cheering fans.
8.  The Eva Peron Foundation:
helped the needy with gifts and donations.
established the first welfare program in South America.
helped Evita become wealthier and more powerful than ever.
all of the above
9.  When doctors suggested surgery to treat Evita's  cancer,  she:
took their advice,  saying that her health was of great importance to the people.
refused,  saying that her enemies were trying to rob her of power.
refused because of her religious beliefs.
agreed reluctantly.
10.  After her death,  Evita's  remains were:
quickly cremated.
buried in Spain.
displayed publicly for many days.
confiscated by loyal admirers.


Source: Bookrags.ocm

Evita- The life of Eva Peron in English


Evita: The Life of Eva Peron

Review Questions


Why did Evita demand that very little be written about her early life?


What mythical creature representing “rebirth” did Evita want to be associated with?




What did Evita do for a living in Buenos Aires that helped her gain fame, fortune and the ability to influence millions?




Who were the descamisados who supported Peron? Why were they so loyal to him?



In 1945, the Argentine government prevented a possible coup by making Juan Peron a scapegoat. What did they do to him?



On her famous “Rainbow Tour,” how was Evita greeted by the people of Spain?



What kind of things did the Eva Peron Foundation do for the people of Argentina?



How did the people of Argentina react when Eva Peron died at the age of 33?


