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Evaluating Progress and Making Changes

Author: Ashley Sweatt
Video Transcript

Notes on "Evaluating Progress and Making Changes"


(00:00 - 00:11) Introduction

(00:12 - 00:36) What Will You Learn Today?

(00:37 - 01:06) What is Involved in the Act Stage of PDSA?

(01:07 - 02:30) What is the Process of Changing Goals?

(02:31 - 03:03) When Should Benchmarks be Changed?

(03:04 - 03:50) When Should Strategies be Changed?

(03:51 - 04:37) How Can You Ensure Instructional Changes are Effective?

(04:38 - 05:05) How Can a PDSA be Used for Continuous Improvement?

(05:06 - 05:56) What Did You Learn Today?

(05:57 - 06:20) Reflection


Additional Resources

Instructional Improvement Systems: Planning and Implementation Guide

This useful guide from the Reform Support Network provides tools, resources, and best practices for school improvement.

Using Student Achievement Data to Support Instructional Decision Making

This guide from the National Association of Elementary School Principals is a useful toolkit for using data to guide instructional decisions and school improvement.