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Experimental Research

Author: Erick Taggart
Video Transcript

Notes for "Experimental Research"

Terms to Know

  • Experiment
  • A study specifically done to confirm or disprove a hypothesis about the cause of some behavior or mental event.

  • Control group
  • Subjects that receive all the conditions of an experiments except the variable being tested.

  • Experimental Group
  • Subjects that receive all of the conditions of the experiment including the experimental condition or the variable being tested.

  • Experimental Subject
  • Individuals who are a part of an experiment, become part of the sample of the population.

  • Random Assignment
  • Subject has an equal chance of being in either the experimental or control group.
Terms to Know
Control Group

Subjects that receive all the conditions of an experiment except the variable being tested


A study specifically done to confirm or disprove a hypothesis about the cause of some behavior or mental event

Experimental Group

Subjects that receive all of the conditions of the experiment including the experimental condition or the variable being tested

Experimental Subject

Individuals who are a part of an experiment, become part of the sample of the population

Random Assignment

Subject has an equal chance of being in either the experimental or control group