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Famous Psychological Experiments

Author: Erick Taggart

Source: Milgram experiment: public domain;

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Notes for "Famous Psychological Experiments"

Terms to Know

Milgram Obedience Experiments
A series of experiments after World War II that attempted to measure how people respond to authority, or obey what they are told.

Complying to the request of an authority figure.

Stanford Prison Experiment
A psychological experiment in 1971 where participants were randomly grouped into categories of prisoners and guards and locked into a floor of a building for only 6 days before it was canceled.

Terms to Know
Milgram Obedience Experiments

A series of experiments after World War II that attempted to measure how people respond to authority, or obey what they are told


Complying to the request of an authority figure

Stanford Prison Experiment

A psychological experiment in 1971 where participants were randomly grouped into categories of prisoners and guards and locked into a floor of a building for only six days before it was canceled