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Feedback Tips

Author: Trisha Fyfe

Source: Image light, Public Domain,

Video Transcript

Notes on “Feedback Tips”


(00:00- 00:26) Introduction/Objectives

(00:27- 01:15) Why Do Teachers Need Feedback?

(01:16- 04:17) Descriptive and Evaluative Feedback

(04:18- 08:10) Suggestions for Giving Feedback

(08:11- 08:57) Recap

(08:58- 09:47) Reflection 

Additional Resources

Seven Keys to Effective Feedback

This ASCD article gives practical advice for instructional coaches and leaders in giving feedback for instructional improvement.

Providing Effective Feedback to Teachers: A Critical Task of Instructional Leaders

This resource prepared by the New Jersey Department of Education provides a clear and concise overview of the important role of leaders in providing feedback to teachers to improve practice.