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Flipped Learning Case Study: Elementary

Author: Katie Hou
Video Transcript

Notes on “Flipped Learning Case Study: Elementary”


(00:00-00:12) Introduction

(00:13-01:29) Case Study

(01:30-04:08) Key Aspects of Flipped Learning applied

(04:09-04:17) Reflection

(04:18-04:43) Conclusion

Additional Resources

Flipping the Elementary Classroom

Educator Jon Bergmann gives practical advice and strategies regarding how to flip an elementary classroom. He suggests flipping a lesson rather than a class at this grade level and provides insights on how to accomplish this.

Flipped Classroom – Dellview Elementary

This video by Christina Mank shows how teachers flip their elementary classroom instruction. The teachers and students explain their process and reactions.

Classroom Innovation Spotlight: Second-grade Faux Flipped Classroom 

The classroom connects blended learning with the workshop model. This video offers great insights into how to begin blending at the elementary level. The insights from the students are invaluable.