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Flipped Learning Case Study: Secondary

Author: Katie Hou
Video Transcript

Notes on “Flipped Learning Case Study: Secondary”


(00:00-00:13) Introduction

(00:14-01:54) Case Study

(01:55-03:44) Key Aspects: Flexible Environment and Learning Culture

(03:45-04:38) Key aspects: Intentional Content and Professional Educator

(04:39-04:49) Reflection

(04:50-05:15) Conclusion

Additional Resources

A Look at Katie Gimbar's Flipped Classroom – 18 months

This video shows Katie Gimbar's flipped middle school math processes and strategies. She worked with the Friday Institute to build flipped lessons in her classroom, and she describes her strategies in a Common Core Math Class. She indicates it is critical that she develops her own video lessons for her students.

Clintondale High School Website

This website provides a detailed overview of how one high school has embraced flipped learning and what it has meant for their students and teachers. This is a useful site for any high school considering flipping its learning.