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Gathering Data/Sample Surveys

Author: Alexander Greene

What's in this packet

This packet has video of definitions, and an example that uses all of the terms defined. There is also a powerpoint with a definition of simple random sampling, and methods on getting random numbers. Some terms that may be new are:

  • Population
  • Sample
  • Census
  • Sampling Frame
  • Sampling Variability
  • Simple Random Sample

Source: Greene

Gathering Data

This powerpoint has all the definitions for this packet, as well as methods of getting random numbers from a random number table and a random number generator, such as Microsoft Excel.

Source: Greene

Sample Surveys

This video shows a basic example of population and sample, as well as other terms from the powerpoint.

Source: Greene

Getting a Sample

If you would like to see a video on actually getting units for a sample, please check out my other packet entitled Simple Random Sample (SRS).

Source: Greene