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Geologic Time (Chapter 12)

Author: Nate Holz

Unit 7 Assignments (Geologic Time)

Geologic Time

This power point presentation is divided into 3 parts; Deep Time, Relative vs Absolute Time, and Radiometric Dating.
--Deep time is a short discussion on the age of the Earth, Relative vs Absolute Time looks at different methods, especially for relative dating, of dating the Earth, while radiometric dating looks at ways of absolute dating of Earth dates.
--A small section in part 1 attempts to give the students some idea of how long 4.6 billion years (age of Earth) is by looking at just how big a number is 1 million

Source: Bob Grove

How Big is a Billion?

Source: TechLaboratories

A brief introduction to geologic time

Source: Discovery Education

Geologic Time Explained Using Star Wars...

Geologic time is super hard to comprehend because it is just so damn long. So i decided to use something fished straight out of lake childhood to use as an analogy and as a representation of the length of time that the earth has been evolving and where we fit into that timeline. Enjoy.

Source: Robin Ideas

Radiation and Radioactive Decay

Mr. Andersen explains why radiation occurs and describes the major types of radiation. He also shows how alpha, beta, and gamma radiation affect the nucleus of a radioactive atom. Nuclear equations are also discussed.

Source: Bozeman Science (Paul Andersen)

Radiocarbon Dating

Mr. Andersen explains how carbon-14 dating can be used to date ancient material. The half-life of radioactive carbon into nitrogen is also discussed.

Source: Bozeman Science (Paul Andersen)