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Goals, Outcomes, and Benchmarks

Author: Trisha Fyfe

Source: Image light, Public Domain,

Video Transcript

Notes on “Goals, Outcomes, and Benchmarks”


(00:00- 00:19) Introduction/Objectives

(00:20- 01:13) What are Goals, Benchmarks, and Outcomes?

(01:14- 02:51) Determining Outcomes

(02:52- 04:23) What are Benchmarks?

(04:24- 05:43) Examples  

(05:44- 06:17) Recap

(06:18- 06:58) Reflection 

Additional Resources

High-Impact Collaborative Planning: Using Job-Embedded, Teacher-Driven Professional Development to Achieve SLCP Goals

This presentation examines the importance of teacher collaboration as part of the professional development process.

Plan, Do, Study, Act: A Professional Development Model

This article from the Center for the Collaborative Classroom explores the use of PDSA as a professional development model.

Learning to Learn From Data: Benchmarks and Instructional Communities

This article examines the importance of focusing on data to engage in instructional improvements.

Using Data to Guide Instruction and Improve Student Learning

This article from SEDL examines the importance of using student data to inform decisions in schools and professional learning.