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Graded Assignments - 7th Grade

Author: Todd Parks

All Graded Assignments - 2nd Quarter

Below is a running list of all of the graded assignments that students will need to complete for the 2nd quarter, besides tests and classwork.

Be sure to check grades in school tools if you have any questions about owing work.

IXL - 7th Grade - H.2 Convert between decimals and fractions or mixed numbers

Assigned 12/9/13.

Use the link below to sign in and complete the assignment.

IXL - 7th Grade - E.7 Multiply and Divide Integers

Assigned 12/2/13.

Use the link below to sign in and complete the assignment.

Exit Ticket - Lesson 8

Below is the exit ticket that students completed for a grade from lesson 8 - applying the properties of operations to add and subtract rational numbers.
If you do not have a grade for this assignment: print, complete, and turn in.


IXL - 7th Grade - H.6 Add and Subtract Rational Numbers

Assigned 11/11/13.

This assignment does not have a closing date yet.

Use the link below to sign in and complete the assignment.


IXL - 7th Grade - E.5 Add and Subtract Integer Word Problems

Assigned 11/11/13.

The closing date on this assignment is 11/26/13.

Use the link below to sign in and complete the assignment.


IXL - 7th Grade - E.3 Add and Subtract Integers

Assigned 11/11/13.

The closing date on this assignment is 11/19/13.

Use the link below to sign in and complete the assignment.

IXL - 7th Grade - E.1 Integer Addition and Subtraction Rules

Assigned 11/11/13.

The closing date on this assignment is 11/15/13.

Use the link below to sign in and complete the assignment.