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Grammar Basics: Types of Sentences

Author: Rebecca Oberg

Types of Sentences: Simple, Compound, Complex, and Compound-Complex

This slide show presentation offers definitions, examples, and a chance for students to review the four types of sentences: simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex. This is often a problem area for students of English and Grammar, since the differences between these types of sentences require a basic knowledge of some key grammar terms. For that reason, review the presentation carefully, exploring the rest of the learning packet for helpful supplementary material.

Source: See slide show presentation for citation.

Simple Senteces: A Detailed Look

This video provides a detailed look at simple sentences, from two English professors. If you like their style of presenting the material, see their clip explaining other types of sentences.

Compound sentences:

Complex sentences:

Source: YouTube

Compound and Complex Sentences: Learning Through Song

This amusing video offers a catchy (though sometimes off-key) way to learn the basics of compound and complex sentences. For the objectives of this packet, you definitely should watch the first half of the clip, though the second half discusses dependent and independent clauses, which is another important concept in grammar and writing. Understanding dependent and independent clauses is key to truly comprehending the differences between simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences, so for a deeper understanding of the concepts be sure to view the full clip.

Source: YouTube

Active and Passive Voice

This slide show presentation offers an introduction to passive and active voice, giving definitions, examples, tips on when/how to use each, and opportunities to review.

Source: See slide show for citation.

Active Voice vs. Passive Voice

This is a quick, informative video detailing the differences between active and passive voice in sentences. Remember, active voice creates more vivid, engaging sentences in general.

Source: YouTube