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History of CBE

Author: Ashley Sweatt

Notes on "History of CBE"


(00:00 - 00:11) Introduction

(00:12 - 00:32) What Will You Learn today?

(00:33 - 01:57) What is the Definition of CBE?

(01:58 - 02:42) What is the History of CBE?

(02:43 - 03:22) How Does Personalized Learning Compare to the 5 Components of CBE?

(03:23 - 04:12) How is CBE Connected to the 5 Elements of Personalized Learning?

(04:13 - 05:02) What Did You Learn Today?

(05:03 - 05:27) Reflection


Additional Resources

Competency Works

This is a comprehensive website that examines competency based education and provides great resources for teachers. The link provided is a useful resource for teachers interested in understanding the what and whys of competency based education. To develop a deeper understanding of CBE, click on the link that brings you to an extended definition of CBE.

USDOE: Competency-Based Learning or Personalized Learning

This site provides an overview of competency based personalized learning. In addition, it provides connections to the application of competency based personalized learning across several states and districts as exemplars. Next to each link, you will find an overview of the application to help you determine which setting you are interested in exploring further.