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How We See

Author: mario fierro-hernandez
Video Transcript
Terms to Know

The light-sensitive parts of the retina that process color and day vision.

Electromagnetic Radiation

Another name for light; the human eye is only sensitive to a portion of it, known as visible light.


The number of waves passing a certain point per second, measured in hertz.

Optic Nerve

Tissue that connects the retina to the visual cortex in the back of the brain.


A thin, transparent tissue at the back of the eye that contains light-sensitive receptors called rods and cones.


The long, thin light-sensitive parts of the retina that process night vision.

Visual Cortex

The part of the brain which processes visual information from the retina, communicated via a network of nerve cells.


The measure of the distance from two consecutive wave crests or troughs, commonly measured in nanometers.