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I Can Statements

Author: Jody Waltman
Video Transcript

Notes on "I Can Statements"

(00:00 - 00:26) Introduction

(00:27 - 01:02) Overview of "I Can" Statements

(01:03 - 01:25) How and Why to Use "I Can" Statements

(01:26 - 02:25) Create "I Can" Statements

(02:26 - 02:49) Share "I Can" Statements with Students

(02:50 - 05:06) Examples

(05:07 - 05:30) Review

(05:31 - 06:01) Stop and Reflect

Additional Resources

How I CAN Statements Can Work For You

This blog post offers examples of I Can Statements and ways to use rationale. In addition, the author offers an easy to use student reflection sheet for students to monitor their progress toward meeting the targets.