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IEP specific LMS : goalbookapp

Author: Ashley Sweatt
Video Transcript

Noes on "IEP Specific LMS: Goalbook App"


(00:00 - 00:12) Introduction

(00:13 - 00:17) What Will You Learn Today?

(00:18 - 02:26) Tour the Goalbook App Website

(02:27 - 03:04) What Did You Learn Today?

(03:05 - 03:38) Reflection



Additional Resources

Goalbook Toolkit

The purpose of this toolkit is to improve the instruction for students with specialized learning needs. The toolkit helps teachers develop learning targets for students using research-based strategies. The toolkit is designed to work with the Goalbook app, a learning management system for students with learning plans. There are easy to follow how-to instructions within the tool kit and the website.

E-learning management system

This wiki explores the use of learning management systems to support special needs students' learning needs. It provides a clear and concise overview of the purpose, function, and limitations of learning management systems.