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Implementation and Monitoring Progress

Author: Ashley Sweatt

Source: Image of chalkboard, Public Domain,

Video Transcript

Notes on "Implementation and Monitoring Progress"


(00:00 - 00:11) Introduction

(00:12 - 00:32) What Will You Learn Today?

(00:33 - 01:04) What is Involved in the Do Stage of PDSA?

(01:05 - 02:12) What is Involved in the Study Stage of PDSA?

(02:13 - 04:18) What Tools are Used for Monitoring Progress?

(04:19 - 06:08) Application Scenario

(06:09 - 06:43) What Did You Learn Today?

(06:44 - 07:08) Reflection

Additional Resources

Launching CCI and PDSA

This is a page on a Laura Ingalls Wilder Intermediate School teacher's website that examines the use of PDSA for continuous improvement. The site is written in parent friendly language and can be used to guide discussions with parents on the use of PDSA for continuous improvement in their children's classrooms.

Continuous Improvement at the Campus Level

This page on the Deer Valley Unified School District site provides templates for and explanations of how to use PDSA for progress monitoring of student achievement.