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Improving Instruction for ALL Students: Algebra Progress Monitoring and Data Based Decision Making

Author: Nicole Bucka

The Why: Share Data and Outcomes Related to Current Practices (Baseline)

**Correction: Please note that the Board of Higher Education data has been updated and shared below through the Rhode Island Data Hub**

Rhode Island Data Hub

Rhode Island Data Hub is a partnership among several state and local agencies and The Providence Plan, the RI DataHUB links together data from national, state, and local sources.  Data are summarized and made available on this website to all who are interested in using data to analyze and improve the well being of Rhode Islanders.

More up to date data on college persistence in Rhode Island:

More useful data analysis regarding math achievement in Rhode Island:

The Why: The Research Base of "What Works" in Math Instruction and Intervention

Effective Math Instruction Research Brief

This research brief comes from The National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities. It is is thorough, easy to understand, and has a host of resources within it that are referred to in this presentation.



MathVIDS! is a Video Instructional Development Source that was created to help teachers infuse evidence based instructional methods into their teaching.  It includes:

  • Video models of real teachers in real classrooms using research-supported effective mathematics instruction for struggling learners
  • Teaching plans that describe how these instructional practices can be integrated to teach important mathematical concepts
  • A special section on meta cognitive learning strategies for mathematics
  • Accommodations and instructional modifications for specific types of learning difficulties

Source: Virginia Department of Education

Assisting Students Struggling with Mathematics: Response to Intervention for Elementary and Middle Schools

This Practice Guide, from the Institute of Education Sciences and What Works Clearinghouse, shares the research, recommendations based upon the research, examples, common roadblocks and how to overcome them, etc.


The How/Do: Pilot School's Experience-Tools, Process, Protocols, and Lessons Learned

NCRTI Tool Reviews

The National Center on Response to Intervention reviews screening and progress monitoring tools (both mastery and general outcome) to assist schools in their selection process.  These can be found under 'resources' and 'tool charts'

Project AAIMS: Algebra Progress Monitoring

These were the tools utilized by the pilot school and more information can be found at

The Short Cycle "Plan"

As referred to in the presentation, this was the play for six weeks to have instruction BOTH in general education class as well as in an "intervention" to target an area of need for a subset of students.


Intervention Lessons

While not polished copies, this was our grassroots attempt at infusing the evidence based practices to ensure that students weren't getting "more of the same" or "louder and slower" as often happens in improperly designed interventions. For the future, we would look into programs with an evidence, that address this school's patterns of need, or carefully design materials in advance.


Interview: The Teacher's Reflections

This interview with the teachers focuses on successes and obstacles, as well as lessons learned. They will continue on and plan to purchase a more comprehensive, computerized, and research based assessment system so they can focus on using the data to inform instruction and creating a true intervention block with evidence based instruction.