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Inferencing as a Reading Strategy

Author: Rebecca Oberg

What does it mean to infer? states that to infer is:
1.  to derive by reasoning; conclude or judge from premises or evidence: They inferred his displeasure from his cool tone of voice.
2.  (of facts, circumstances, statements, etc.) to indicate or involve as a conclusion; lead to.
3.  to guess; speculate; surmise.
4.  to hint; imply; suggest.

Inferencing 101

This engaging slide show presentation offers definitions, examples, and opportunities to practice inferencing.

Source:, modified by Rebecca Oberg

Understanding Inferences: Importance in Reading and Test Prep

This video clip offers information for preparing for inference questions on standardized tests, as well as great overall information about the concept.

Source: YouTube

Analyzing Images: A Great Way to Build Inference Skills

Take a look at these images. What can you tell about the lives of the people in the images based on the details you observe? Take one minute per image and notice everything you can about the picture. Then, based on your observations, write a few sentences telling what you think the story of each picture is. Infer a larger story or historical context based on a single image.

Though we often think of inferencing as a skill only useful for reading, it is also helpful for interpreting the world and images around us.

Source:, modified by Rebecca Oberg