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Insurance and Follow-Up

Author: Sophia

what's covered
In this lesson, you will learn how to discuss insurance and other follow-up topics with patients in Spanish. Specifically, this lesson will cover:
  1. El Seguro Médico y Seguimiento (Insurance and Follow-Up)

1. El Seguro Médico y Seguimiento (Insurance and Follow-Up)

There will be times when you will need to talk to patients about their insurance coverage and any additional health concerns that need to be followed up on. The following expressions can help you receive the information you need as well as relay information to the patient.

English Spanish Pronunciation
You will need to pay ____ dollars (and cents). Necesitará pagar ____ dólares (y ____ centavos). nay-say-see-tah-rah pah-gahr ____ doe-lah-race (ee ____ sane-tah-bohs)
The cost is ____ dollars (and ____ cents). El costo es ____ dólares (y ____ centavos). ale koh-stow ace___ doe-lah-race (ee ___ sane-tah-bohs)
Do you have insurance? ¿Tiene seguro? tee-ay-nay say-goo-row
May I have the insurance card? ¿Puedo tener su tarjeta de seguro? p'way-doe tay-nair sue tar-hay-tah day say-goo-row
We don't accept this insurance. No aceptamos este tipo de seguro. no ah-sape-tah-mohs ay-stay tee-po day say-goo-row
There's a problem with the insurance. Hay un problema con el seguro. eye oon pro-blay-ma cone ale say-goo-row
We're going to call the insurance company. Vamos a llamar a la compañía de seguro. bah-mohs ah yah-mar ah la koam-pahn-yee-ah day say-goo-row
You need to call the company. Debe llamar a la compañía de seguro. day-bay yah-mar ah la koam-pahn-yee-ah day say-goo-row
Medicaid does not cover dental care. Medicaid no cubre el cuidado dental. Medicaid no coo-bray ale kwee-dah-doe dane-tall
How will you be paying for your care? ¿Cómo va a pagar por su cuidado? koh-moh bah ah pah-gahr pour sue kwee-dah-doe
cash en efectivo This is a patient response.
I have insurance tengo seguro This is a patient response.
Here is my insurance card. Esta es mi tarjeta de seguro. This is a patient response.
I don't know. No sé. This is a patient response.
workers' comp compensación del trabajador. This is a patient response.
Medicaid Medicaid This is a patient response.
Medicare Medicare This is a patient response.
credit card / debit card tarjeta de crédito / tarjeta de débito This is a patient response.
Are you covered under Medicaid? ¿Está cubierto bajo Medicaid? ace-tah coo-bee-air-toe bah-ho Medicaid
Are you covered under Medicare? ¿Está cubierto bajo Medicare? ace-tah coo-bee-air-toe bah-ho Medicare
Do you have supplemental insurance? ¿Tiene un seguro suplementario? tee-ay-nay oon say-goo-row sue-play-main-tah-ree-oh
Are you on public assistance? ¿Está recibiendo ayuda pública? ace-tah ray-see-bee-ain-doe ah-you-dah poo-blee-kah
I am sending you a form to sign. It is a medical release of information form. Please sign it and send it back to me. Le estoy enviando un formulario para que lo firme. Es un formulario para compartir información médica. Por favor, fírmelo y envíemelo de regreso. lay ace-toy ain-bee-ahn-doe oon four-moo-lah-ree-oh pah-rah kay lo fear-may. ace oon four-moo-lah-ree-oh pah-rah comb-par-tear een-four-mah-see-own may-dee-kah. pour fah-bore fear-may-lo ee ain-bee-ay-may-lo day ray-gray-so
They will make the arrangements for you to get the medicine free of charge. Ellos van a hacer los arreglos para que reciba el medicamento, sin que tenga que pagar. ay-yohs bahn ah ah-sair lohs ah-ray-glohs pah-rah kay ray-see-bah ale may-dee-kah-main-toe seen kay tane-gah kay pah-gar
Go to the urgent care. Vaya al cuidado de urgencia. bah-yah all koo-ee-dah-doe day oor-hane-see-ah
Go to the emergency room. Vaya a la sala de emergencias. bah-yah ah la sah-la day ay-mair-hain-see-ahs
Follow-up with your primary care doctor. Haga un seguimiento con su médico de cuidado primario. ah-gah oon say-guee-me-ain-toe cone sue may-de-koh day koo-ee-dah-doe pree-mah-ree-oh
They all need to go to the health department for testing. Todos tienen que ir al departamento de salud para ser examinados / recibir pruebas médicas. toe-dohs tee-ay-nain kay ear all day-par-tah-main-toe day sah-lood pah-rah sair ake-sah-me-nah-dohs / ray-see-beer proo-ay-bahs may-dee-kahs
Call 911 for an emergency. Llame a 911 (nueve, uno, uno) en caso de emergencia. yah-may ah noo-ay-bay oo-noh oo-noh ain kah-so day ay-mair-hane-see-ah
Do you see any other doctors such as a specialist? What type? ¿Ve a cualquier otro médico, como un especialista? ¿Qué tipo? Bay ah k'wall-key-air oh-troh may-dee-koh koh-moh oon ace-pay-see-ah-leese-tah? Kay tee-po
cardiologist cardiólogo(a) This is a patient response.
neurologist neurólogo(a) This is a patient response.
pulmonologist pulmonólogo(a) This is a patient response.
pediatrician pediatra This is a patient response.
cardiovascular surgeon cirujano(a) cardiovascular This is a patient response.
endocrinologist endocrinólogo(a) This is a patient response.
reproductive specialist especialista de la reproducción This is a patient response.
neurosurgeon neurocirujano(a) This is a patient response.
dermatologist dermatólogo(a) This is a patient response.
Do you understand what I have told you? ¿Comprende lo que le acabo de decir? comb-prain-day lo kay lay ah-kah-bo day day-seer
Please tell me in your own words what you need to do. Por favor, dígame en sus propias palabras lo que necesita hacer. pour fah-boar dee-gah-may ain suess pro-pee-ahs pa-la-brahs lo kay nay-say-see-tah ah-sair
I need to check my blood sugar before every meal and at bedtime. Necesito chequear el nivel de azúcar en mi sangre con cada comida y antes de acostarme. This is a patient response.
I should take all of the antibiotic even if I am feeling better. Debería tomar todos los antibióticos aún si me siento mejor. This is a patient response.
I need to take my baby to the audiologist (hearing specialist) to follow up. Necesito llevar a mi bebé al audiólogo (especialista de la audición) para hacer un seguimiento. This is a patient response.
I need to call my doctor to make an appointment. Necesito llamar a mi médico para hacer una cita. This is a patient response.
I need to walk often. Necesito caminar con frecuencia. This is a patient response.
I should call the doctor if I notice signs of infection. Debería llamar al médico si noto cualquier señal de infección. This is a patient response.

In this lesson, you learned some questions and phrases that you can use to speak with patients about medical insurance and other follow-up topics in Spanish. This language will be helpful when you are wrapping up your appointment with a patient and need to discuss payment and ongoing care.

¡Buena suerte!


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Source: This content has been adapted from "Spanish for Nurses" by Stephanie Langston.