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Introduction to Constructivism

Author: Jody Waltman
Video Transcript

Notes on "Introduction to Constructivism"

(00:00 - 00:33) Introduction

(00:34 - 01:20) History and Definition

(01:21 - 02:29) Elements of Learning

(02:30 - 03:30) Benefits

(03:31 - 04:36) Constructivism vs Traditional Learning

(04:37 - 05:32) Best Practices and Tips

(05:33 - 06:04) Review

(06:05 - 06:41) Stop and Reflect

Additional Resources

Emerging Perspectives on Learning, Teaching, and Technology

This wiki connects the research on cognition with its implications for pedagogy in a technology-rich classroom. Scroll down to click on a link related to the concept of your choice for detailed explanations as well as examples of what the theory or strategy looks like in the classroom. Note that there are pages dedicated to constructivism, behaviorism, problem based learning, and inquiry that are relevant to the work in this course.

Behaviorism Wiki Page

This page is dedicated to behaviorism and how it applies to teaching and learning. Scroll down to learn about the educational implications and strategies that you can use in your classroom.

Education Theory: Constructivism and Social Constructivism in the Classroom

This page provides a concise overview with examples of application, and clearly defines the roles of the teacher and the student in a constructivist setting. Additionally, it provides a clear explanation of how assessment looks in a constructivist classroom.