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Introduction to Edmodo

Author: Diana Amend

Profile Settings

Watch the following video on changing your Profile Settings.

Edmodo Profile Setting

Edmodo Profile Setting

Your Turn!

Now that you have watched the video login to your Edmodo account and do the following:

​1.  Select a quote
​2.  Select how you like to learn
3.  ​Select your career goals

Account Settings

Watch the following video on changing your Account Settings.

Change Account Settings

Change Account Settings in Edmodo.

Your Turn!

Now that you have watched the video login to your Edmodo account and do the following:

  1. Set your notifications
  2. Add your profile picture

Join a Group

Watch the following video on how to Join a Group.

Join a Group

Learn how to join a group in Edmodo.

Your Turn!

Now that you have watched the video login to your Edmodo account and do the following

1.  Join the Class Chat Group - the code is posted on the board

2. ​Send a message to the Class Chat group using the following prompt:  "One thing you would not know about me is . . . "

3.  ​Reply back to at least one post with a positive comment

Organization Tools

Watch the following video to learn how to use notifications, filters, the planner and Edmodo apps.

Notifications, Filters, Planner and Apps

Notifications, Filters, Planner and Apps

Your Turn!

​Now that you have watched the video login into your Edmodo account and do the following

  1. ​Enter an event into your calendar such as your birthday
  2. ​Look on the September calendar and write down the events that I shared with you

Folders and Backpack

Watch the following video to learn how to use folders and the backpack.

Using the Backpack and Creating Folders in Edmodo

Using the Backpack and Creating Folders in Edmodo

Your Turn!

​Now that you have watched the video login to your Edmodo account and do the following

  1. Create a math folder (you may create folders for your other classes if you would like)
  2. ​Add a file or link to your math folder (for example - it could be an image, link to Google or the JHMS website)
  3. ​Send a message to me and include the link from your math folder

Online Quiz

Congratulations!  You have​ reached the end of the tutorial.  Now it is time to take an online quiz.  Good luck :)


Edmodo Tutorial Quiz

Complete the quiz AFTER you have watched the videos. Make sure you click on the submit button at the end of the quiz. You will receive a confirmation message when the quiz is submitted.