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Introduction to "Planning instruction that aligns the outcomes and objectives to both the subject ar

Author: Kathleen Johnson

Introduction to "Planning Instruction that Aligns the Outcomes and Objectives to Both the Subject Area Standards and the Appropriate Technology Standards."

Source: Digital Access Key Image; Morgue File;

Notes on "Introduction to Planning Instruction that Aligns the Outcomes and Objectives to Both the Subject Area Standrads and the Appropriate Technology Standards."

(00:00-00:52) Intro

(00:53-01:34) Objectives

(01:35-02:21) Explaining Objective 1

(02:22-03:04) Explaining Objective 2

(03:05-04:21) Explaining Objective 3

(04:22-05:34) Explaining Objective 4

(05:35-06:43) Review & Connections