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Introduction to Proteins

Author: Amanda Soderlind


Proteins are polymers made up of chains of amino acids. Different combinations of amino acids code for different proteins. Proteins are important in your body because they play a role in many different processes. Listed below are some functions of proteins in your body.

*Hemoglobin is a type of protein found in your blood that allows your blood to transport oxygen.

*Proteins are necessary for the production of enzymes which help speed up chemical reactions in your body

*Proteins interact with hormones to regulate cells

*Proteins (such as transport proteins or structural proteins)are embedded in the cell membrane to allow for certain materials into the cell or to help support the structure of the cell

*Proteins allow for movement of your muscles by producing muscle contractions

*Proteins play a role in your immune system by helping fight off infection



Source: concepts in Biology. 12th edition. Copywright 2007 McGraw-Hill
